Martha L. Worcester
Consultant for Aging

- The purpose of – Late Life Design – is to improve the life of older adults by bringing to awareness the possibilities for contined growth and learning as changes occur in each decade of late life after age 60.
The focus for my work is:
- to enrich your understanding of aging processes, stages, and what to expect.
- to assist you in meeting challenges and find enjoyment as you age into late life.
- to assist agencies and organizations in designing services and products for and with older adults.
Personalized Planning
- One to One Sessions with Individuals
- Sessions with Relatives and Friends of Elders
- Assistance in Finding Community Resources
Organizational Consultation
- Educational Presentations
- Staff and Client Workshops
- Services and Product Design for and with Elders
Recurring Events 2024-2025
- Low Vision Group: First Wednesdays of every month 10-11am At Olympia Senior Center
- Owning the Age I Am: First Wednesdays of every Month 1:30-3pm At Virgil Clark Lacey Senior Center
Creating Your Legacy Design
- January – March, 4th Wednesdays
- Jan. 22nd, Feb. 26th, March 26th
- Places and times:
- Olympia Senior Center 9:30-11:30
- Virgil Clark Lacey Senior Center 2pm- 4pm
- Registration Opens December 5.
- REGISTER EARLY. Limited to 9 at each place.
Martha L. Worcester